
“We are the Hands and Fingers of God, but we must USE them.”

 -Margie Herstad


2nd Line West Book Reviews:





It was nice meeting you yesterday at the Burlington Chapters book signing. I finished the book in one sitting and loved it. I will pass the book on to the next person I meet who needs your Mother’s wisdom. Obviously I enjoyed learning about your Mother and the way she touched so many lives. Wishing you all the Best with this story!

Renee Cormier


What a gift to come across such a heartfelt book. The book 2nd Line West encourages the reader to reflect on their own life and to strive to be better. I was struck by the generosity and faith of Margie, helping strangers and bringing them into her home until they were ready to move on. When reading this book I felt like I was observing what was happening in real time and some how a part of it. Incredible! At the end of the book there are reflective questions and a request to pass the book onto others. What a beautiful way to make the world a better place and carry on Margie’s spirit. In the book there is a quote from Margie’s memorial service: “I felt like I met your Mother today”. I too feel that way now that I have completed my read. Thank you Tom and his sister Julie in sharing their life and letting me get to know your Mother, Father and family. This book is a true blessing!

Allison Bricker


I have not read a complete book in years. This book kept me interested from start to finish. I finished it this morning. Our world can seem at times to be very cruel and immoral, and yet such big gestures of giving and caring remind us of our humanity. To bring positive change, inspire and encourage others, the life stories of such selfless heroes need to be shared with everyone so that they realize how easily we can help others. As for Tom, he was the natural product of such a person. He reminded me of a time when I was being physically bullied in high school, when an unknown older grader came and put his arm on my shoulder to shield and support me. This is no doubt what Tom would also have done. Thank you Tom for sharing Margie’s wonderful life with the world.Bulent Ak


Your book, 2nd Line West, was a wonderful read…. I read it in 2 days. I found it brought me back in time to remember my Mom.  There were so many wonderful things your Mom did for everyone who needed help.  My Mom was like that too. I feel there are not as many people in the world who care enough to help people without strings attached. Being nice and helpful is a gift from the heart. I was brought up, treat other people as you would like to be treated. I am getting my daughter to read it next. This book is certainly meant to be shared.



2nd Line West by Tom Herstad is one of the most inspirational and life-changing books I’ve ever read.  The story of “Margie” who happens to be Tom’s mother should be handbook for everyone in this day and age as too how we should all live our lives and make a difference in others.  We are at a time where there is so much negativity in this country and thru social media where a book (which should really be made into a movie) like this could really turn things around.  I truly believe that Margie is an angel put on this earth by God to set an example for others and to do his great work with her being the vehicle.  This book is beautifully written and the insights that Tom adds thru the story telling adds so much to it.  I can’t recommend this book enough as a read for “everyone”.  The life-lessons that are taken away from it can only make you want to be a better person and strive to be like Margie.  You just wish you could have met her and have her touch your life.  The book is clearly an amazing tribute to an extraordinary soul who had a beautiful gift that she shared with so many.  Her story really needs to be told over and over again.



I began reading 2nd Line West right after I met you at your book signing and lecture you had given about it at Rochester Institute of Technology. It was tremendously inspirational and wonderfully executed!  Your mom “Margie” was a true angel here on earth.  That we could all live our lives so self-less as she did and make such an impact on others because of it.  When you think about it – isn’t that what we’re really supposed to be doing here on the planet?  She was a life-changer for so many people.  I love what she said about both people and animals – they needed “fixing” and she sure was the gal to do it.  How wonderful that you had such a role model and loving force/spirit to guide you in your life.  You were truly blessed and fortunate (but I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that). I also felt a connection with “Margie” as she reminded me sometimes of my mother in a lot of ways.  She, too, was always kind, loving and caring for others and putting herself last.  I remember always having to go down and take goodies that my mom had baked to an elderly widow that lived down the street from us and we always had to shovel her driveway in the winter when I would have rather been off playing with my friends after school.  I guess I didn’t realize or understand until later years how important it was that we did that and what a difference it made in this person’s life – if only to provide some companionship and to let her know that some people really cared about her.

Nancy D


Tom Herstad’s 2nd Line West is a love letter to all mothers who have treated their family, friends and all those in need with compassion and understanding.  Reading about Tom’s mom Margie’s life is akin to reading and vicariously experiencing a spiritual master’s life —though a single, widowed mother of four children, she opened her home to the less fortunate so that troubled teens, homeless people and a drug-addicted biker could experience what it’s like to have a home and a family.  In our troubled times, we need to acknowledge and pay tribute to the Margie Herstad’s of the world — which is what Tom Herstad does so beautifully in his meticulously crafted novel.

Tom Schlesinger, motion picture writer-producer


The book 2nd Line West is a story of a family and more specifically a mother’s journey. This story reminds us of something we are born with; something that most everyone has forgotten along the way. As we are reminded we remember how to enjoy closer relationships, love easier and better, experience a more fulfilling life.



It was such a pleasure to read your book 2nd Line West about your mother, Margie. I have so many things to say. And not sure where to start. Firstly, it’s a prologue and dedication that should definitely be read. And, I wish that I had read it with a highlighter. It is remarkable how much she was able to love and care while struggling with her own demons. Sometimes though, the best help comes from those who know the struggle. I’ve always thought you don’t know the influence you have on others. Even with simply a smile. We should give them genuinely and often. I taught my kids ‘Its nice to be nice’. And I have nice adults kids now. As I said when we met, I think I love your mother. I love her message. Tom, I hope you don’t mind but I may email more than once. Probably after I read it a 2nd time. With a highlighter.
Sincerely and with love in my heart for your own caring and sharing,



“This charming, heartwarming book brings us back nostalgically to a simpler, gentler time. A time where people and families listened to each other. When they shared, solved and absolved the inevitable ups and downs that life brings. Through it all we come to know a remarkable soul whose wisdom predates her time. The value in this story is not the trip down memory lane for a simpler day and time but the juxtaposition of the now generation who communicate not in words and feelings but through texts, emojis and enhanced selfies. This is the generation that needs to hear the message that we are more than our technical devices. That we need to get back to a place where we can learn and relearn to 2nd Line West…….authentically.”

Maureen S


I just finished reading 2nd Line West in its entirety. I was only planning on reading part of it but I could not leave my chair. I cannot express the emotion I feel right now, maybe that will come later. My heart is overflowing and encased with gold… is about all I can say right now. I found so many similarities during this read, most of which I knew nothing about but is clear to me now. So many answers have come, and most likely, more will present themselves in the days ahead. Synchronicity, feeling the energy, “Celestine Prophecy” which I live by. 2nd Line West is such a profound legacy. That’s just a tiny tad of why your story was so overwhelming.



Just finished reading 2nd Line West.  It only took me two days as it was very interesting and easy to get into it.Your mother was very inspiring and seemed like a very loving and nurturing woman.  Just by knowing how she took extra care of Henrietta the Hen and went out of her way to help her, goes to show you how caring your mother really was.  Those who have known her are very fortunate and I will pass your book on to my daughter.

Kelly J


I read every single word of this book 2nd Line West. I could not put it down. It is obvious to me that your mother is working through you. I also believe she has guided me to this book. I truly understand your mom’s gift and messages. Her understanding of God, our life journey. Her willingness to share her light and her gifts with those who crossed her path and how her actions changed people for the better. The authors ability to communicate the goodness of God through the energy and messages that flowed through his mom story is incredible. These messages are both “bricks” and “butterflies” hitting hard and gently simultaneously. His writing so beautifully shared his mother’s spirit!

Paula Williams


Reading 2nd Line West was enlightening. I actually feel “lighter” after reading this remarkable story of a wonderful human being, “MARGIE”. A mother of the universe. I felt like I was part of the Herstad family already. Meeting you thru this book is a “Godincidence”. The story will be an Oscar winning movie.



I started reading 2nd Line West at midnight and finished it at 2:20am. Could not put it down! What a vulnerable and open account of a real, loving family. Beautiful. The world is ready, desperate really, for feeling a connection to God in ways that free us, connect us and teach us to love. The timing of your book is impeccable.



What a selfless novel. The fact that Margie graced the Earth with her presence makes one want to emulate her life style.



We imagine that there is a predictable path in life, yet there is no such thing. The author takes us through a devastating moment in time and we watch a family cope through loss. Many of the stories are poignant and are delivered with heartfelt passion. The author is most effective as he narrates his own story.

Amazon Customer


A book is a tool that can be used as a pointer for the reader to look within, but not every book does this. Tom’s book, 2nd Line West does this and can be used to enhance one’s life.

Michael Cupo – Author “It’s Monday is only in your mind”

I wanted to reach out to you. I started reading your book last night and just finished. My heart is full, your Mom had much love and many gifts to share. Thanks for opening your heart! How wonderful for a Son to honour his Mom with such love and devotion. Very Inspirational!
Thank you!

Donna Arch – Leal


To the Author,
I have now re-read 2nd Line West for the 2nd time and enjoyed it even more than my first read! I have now passed it on to my sister. Your gift of this books keeps giving and inspiring.

Gloria Obeck


I just wanted you to know that I finished reading 2nd Line West on the weekend. I found your book to be so heart warming and inspirational. Your book is a true testament to your mother’s legacy that she has left you . Your mother would have been so proud. I smiled, laughed and cried reading your book. You have truly shown your love, caring and sharing.

Thank you , all the best wishes.

Ines Lombardi


Great read on the real meaning of life. I takes us back to what’s important and missing in today’s world. Stories that should inspire how we all have it in us to help do a little more for others. A very giving life.

Amazon Customer


What I liked about this book is the way it felt in my heart, hands, and mind as it walked me through time inside a family. Through each of their ups and downs filled with deep love and deep pain as Margie used what she knew within her to guide and grow her family both immediate and chosen. A mother to all. Yes, and her transformation journey, as well as Tom’s, is a beautiful commitment between two siblings to share their mother’s powerful effect on many hearts through writing 2nd Line West. It opened my heart and filled many places with a new love. – We all can 2nd Line West and we should. It is time to share more stories like this with the world so we can see a stellar example of peace on earth and goodwill towards all men and women through always doing the next right thing. This story keeps it simple. Margie’s Principles and mystical connection to God and Spirit by following her heart, and shine brightly throughout each chapter “singing” to us her method. Using her three golden principles. 2nd Line West: “A Message for Us All” – is a book that I highly recommend. It will open your heart and take you on a transformation journey of your own. I love Margie and find myself talking to her often. Thank you spirit for connecting me to the Herstad’s.

Kellie J. Wright, Self Love Transformation Guide, Host Conscious Speaks Radio Alternative Talk 1150 AM KKNW, Transformational Speaker, Author, Blogger.


2nd Line West is a shining example of true selflessness. How many times have I thought about how I wish I could invite someone in need to come and live in my home or thought about being a foster parent?  Although I help many people, I have never done anything so committed as Margie Herstad. Her example, her selfless generosity to others, should light the way for us all.  I loved this simple story of kindness and belief in the potential of each individual.

Susan Blew


Tom Herstad has done a lovely job of sharing with us the amazing story of his mother, Margie, and his family in 2nd Line West. I highly recommend this book for any individual or family wishing deeper and more loving connections with each other.

Paul Saltzman, Emmy award winning Movie and Television Director/Producer


I really really liked the 2nd Line West. I thought it was amazing and it made me wish I knew more people like Margie in real life. She sounds like the kind of person anyone would be lucky to have met. It was very emotional to see how she impacted all these people from various walks of her life, it’s truly amazing to see people can be so, so, kind especially in today’s world. It’s definitely inspired me to live by those values and be more mindful of my actions and words, I feel lucky to have read your story so thank you for sharing it with the world!Ayesha Ferdaous

I love reading your book 2nd Line West. I  was disappointed when I had to put it down. It is such an honour to grow-in with you and your family. I now have a Margie in my life. Thank you for sharing her with the world.



Tom was recruited to play hockey at Rochester Institute of Technology by my husband, Brian Mason. When I heard he wrote the book 2nd Line West I asked him if he would come to my Book Club. We had just moved to Florida. Tom flew down on Valentine’s Day & hosted my Book Club in my new home. Imagine…I know an author & he’s signing our books!!! I was thrilled that he thought so much of his College Coach to take the time to fly all the way from Toronto, Canada to Venice , Florida & sit in my home and read to my friends in this new book club. Impressive?   Well, he is just like his Mum, he cares & he shares…his time and energy to those who need him. I am very grateful & humbled by my husband’s hockey player/author and man he grew up to BE!!  I just love Tom Herstad & I loved reading his story♥️

Cathy Mason


We met at the Moonshine Cafe in Oakville.  I was able to get a chance to read 2nd Line West. Great read! Your mother sounded like an explanatory woman.

Andre Bisson


I got the book 2nd Line West for my mother-in-law and she loved it. She said it is one of the most inspiring books she has ever read and she is a REAL reader.



Friends….I wanted to share with you all a wonderful read!! The author, Tom Herstad is one of our Group Members who wrote 2nd Line West, this warm, endearing…. full of the most honest and humbling experiences that we can all relate to. I have smiled, teared and laughed…. I hope you will support him in his vision to enlighten our souls!!

Connie Santana


2nd Line West is such a tender, tender beautiful revealing book, Tom!

Bob Roth – Author, Chief Executive Officer – David Lynch Foundation


This book 2nd Line West is an Amazing read!

Chander and Aarti


A book can be a bright light offering those who read it an opportunity to see their life in a new way. This experience offers a new perspective so a new reality.

Goodreads Reader


Mary Margaret was a phenomenal woman and I am glad that she is immortalized in this way.



It was a pleasure to meet you at the book signing. I read 2nd Line West in two sessions.  I found it an easy read and after picking it up I couldn’t put it down.  I think what stood out the most was the way you conveyed your Mother’s Spirit.  I think that is why the book has been chosen for a movie.  I totally agree that we are Spirits having a human existence.  She stood out in her thinking, that way would be my opinion.  She had an inner light that was timeless and radiated and she touched many/everyone that she came in contact with in a deep way. This world is broken and there is a need to love one another and to bring to the screen how the Spirit – which we all have – can bring peace by loving one another (and ourselves) rather than trampling one another, I would agree with you that the book is a “Message For Us All” and you DO convey it in a way that it IS for everyone!
I will pass it on to others and I have already shared it with my sister, who fosters her own inner Spirit. She looks forward to reading it.  Thank you for writing “May this help light your path” on the inside of my book.  There is much need to help others and what good work you are doing with getting it out there.

Cecilia Mallon


2nd Line West is without a doubt one the most inspirational books I have ever read.

Tracy, Beaches Book Club member


I read 2nd Line West and it touched my heart. After my read I contacted the author to come and meet with our book club for an interview. He did and the story about how this book was started, published and now being made into a motion picture was riveting. I recommend this book to all.

Cathy M


I read this book on a flight to see my sister in Alberta. 2nd Line West reminded me of how books can help us look within as we experience another’s story. WELL DONE Tom!

Jake “The Gardner”


Tom’s writing about his mother Margie’s life is unforgettable; you gotta get this book 2nd Line West!  His sister, Julie Herstad, has been involved in writing the screenplay for the MOVIE… WOO HOOO!!!!!   To be produced in Toronto!  DREAMS DO COME TRUE: WORK YOURS! TOM DID.

Bonnie Kogos, Author and Newspaper Columnist, The Sudbury Star


I read 2nd Line West in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down. This book came to me at the right time!

Brenda Grady – Temple


This author has written a beautiful memoire of a life well lived. Clearly his mother Margie was a light in the life of many, despite an ever changing landscape of life and family challenges. Tom’s tribute to his mother is personal and yet it has many lessons and messages to pass on to those of us who didn’t know her. I know all will take away a memorable saying or story from this book and use it in their own lives.

Siobhan Duffy


I send my best wishes for the book’s future.  I really think it is a timely read for all and I hope people are in the right place so that it resonates with them.  There will be many this message can help but as I think, there is a lot of noise drowning out the human spirit. Perhaps 2nd Line West being made into a movie will reach a greater number of people.



First of all, I’d like to thank the author for giving me a free copy of his book 2nd Line West in exchange for an honest review, as follows:
It was an emotional rollercoaster, I didn’t expect to cry so much – and yet I did.
It’s a beautiful book, a heartfelt declaration of love and gratitude from a son to his mother – an extraordinary woman who changed so many lives with her caring and selflessness, even though she had her losses and her problems too. Margie was definitely a great woman.
It’s the portrait of a family, with all the qualities and flaws and the good and the bad that come with it and it’s also inspirational: I felt that love myself and when I look at my parents – especially my mom – I understand what they’ve done for me and what they still do. I’m lucky.

This book is a wonderful lesson in loving and caring, a book everyone should read to remember or learn to really connect with those around us.



Hello Tom, I just finished reading 2nd Line West. I have to say I was touched beyond words. I cried through parts of it. At times myself wishing I could have met your mother or that she could give me some advice. It took me awhile to read it, but I chose only the most serene times to read it, as it needed a special time to be read.



Hello to the Author of 2nd Line West. I am on vacation in Grenada and just finished your book. Your mother was a remarkable woman. Thank you for the Great Read!

Tracy Wells


2nd Line West by Tom Herstad is one of the most inspirational and life-changing books I’ve ever read.  The story of “Margie” who happens to be Tom’s mother should be handbook for everyone in this day and age as to how we should all live our lives and make a difference in others.  We are at a time where there is so much negativity in this country and thru social media where a book (which should really be made into a movie) like this could really turn things around.  I truly believe that Margie is an angel put on this earth by God to set an example for others and to do his great work with her being the vehicle.  This book is beautifully written and the insights that Tom adds thru the story telling adds so much to it.  I can’t recommend this book enough as a read for “everyone”.  The life-lessons that are taken away from it can only make you want to be a better person and strive to be like Margie.  You just wish you could have met her and have her touch your life.  The book is clearly an amazing tribute to an extraordinary soul who had a beautiful gift that she shared with so many.  Her story really needs to be told over and over again.

Nancy Drum


2nd Line West is a lovingly written tribute/memoir by a son who learned to ‘Love, Care and Share” by the impossible to miss life principles of his mother. For even though Margie Herstad, who inspired this story , did not always have the easiest life she did not allow those troublesome experiences to alter who she was at heart.She remained caring, always seeking and finding the good in everyone. She was an authentic encourager who believed in second chances for all! Acknowledging often that we are all works in progress. The writing is enlightening, inspiring and beautiful. I especially enjoyed the rays of sunshine that captures and portrays the fun family memories. The recurring butterfly theme is awesome and one that so effectively demonstrates one of Margie’s “Godincidences”. Thank you for a truly heart – connection read and so openly sharing this poignant story!

Yvonne F


I site this quote to reference my experience reading 2nd Line West:
“A book, too, can be a star, a living fire to light the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe.” Madeleine L’Engle
That is what this book does!

T. F.


After reading 2nd Line West for Book Club, I had the pleasure of meeting the author, Tom Herstad.  I was deeply moved by this book. Tom’s love of family is unique and inspiring .

Bonnie P


I am now at 1000 people I have shared your book with on social media as well as word of mouth. I can’t say it enough just how powerful your book is.

Wendy L


5 Stars – An Amazing Read! Could not put it down. Read it in one sitting.

Amazon customer


2nd Line West was such a delight to read and refreshing to hear about a woman who truly lived by example.  This inspirational story is heartwarming, emotional and meaningful.  Our lives are touched by so many, and Margie knew how to make each moment count.  I never met or knew Margie, but feel that I should pay it forward.  Life is truly a journey that we have choices on how to interact with others, after reading about her story I now think, “What would Margie say or do?”. Thanks to Tom and his family for sharing her story in this book.

Bernadette M


I began reading 2nd Line West this morning and finished it just under 2 hours with tears streaming down my face, my heart full of beautiful emotions. May we all be even a little like Mary Margaret; what a gift she was too so many during her earthly time and what a gift the author has given to his readers as Margie will live on in the spirit of everyone who reads this book. Thank you Tom for sharing your incredible Mother’s stories; it was such an honour and a pleasure to meet you at your book signing.



I read 2nd Line West on my way to Rochester with my family. Sitting in the back seat for our 6 hour drive I was captivated. I did not want to cry in front of my daughters but could not contain myself. This book touched my soul!

John Hawkins


After reading this memoir, I felt as if I had made a new friend. Margie truly was a beautiful soul. I enjoyed reading about how she helped others in her life, especially when she offered others a place to stay at her home. Her kindness also expanded to animals. I liked that she helped Teddy with her puppies, allowed the blue jays to nest in the mailbox, and provided the hen with fertilized eggs so she could hatch a brood. There were many lessons to learn from the way Margie lived her life. For instance, I really admired the way she wanted Reigan to own his identity. She explained to him that he was ahead of our time because he represented the colour we will all be one day. I was surprised when I learned that Reigan was part Trinidadian because I was born in Trinidad, and I still live here. Margie’s ability to sense the energy of people was intriguing. I was astounded that she could feel the negative energy of Auntie Ann’s ex-husband. Moreover, her ability to help others die peacefully was very touching. I think she was extremely gifted. The book ended with a series of Margie’s messages and sayings. This was a lovely conclusion. It was incredibly moving when the author saw the two white butterflies which represented his parents, and later he received a photo of a butterfly from Chris, Margie’s psychic friend. I also admired how the author learned to help others just like his mom. Somehow, she seemed to be helping others through him, like when he received the call about the death of Warren. This indirectly helped Gavin, her grandson, to stay focused on his recovery and to stay committed to turning his life around.

Onlinebookclub member


I could not put this book down. Read it cover to cover!2nd Line West – 4 out of 4 stars!

Amazon Customer


2nd Line West – “A Message for All of Us” is a written tribute to Mary Margaret (also known as Margie), a phenomenal woman who lived a life of service to others. Her generosity, kindness, and love shine through all of the pages in this book. This heartwarming memoir is penned by Tom Herstad, Margie’s son. It consists of detailed anecdotes of her life, including stories of the people whom she helped, and those whose lives she touched in some way. Margie’s legacy lives on through this book. Like her, it will continue to teach, inspire, and encourage others.

I enjoy reading memoirs because they present fascinating insights into another soul’s experience here on Earth. I always feel like I have met someone new after I finish reading them. When I completed this memoir, I felt as if I had made a new friend. Margie truly was a beautiful soul. When I read about how she offered others a place to stay during difficult times in their life, or looked after their kids, or helped others to die peacefully when their time came, I felt a deep sense of awe and admiration. Her ability to sense the energy of others around her was extraordinary. I think the author perfectly captured Margie’s motherly personality together with her beliefs, and her unique way of life.

One of the most distinctive features of this book was the multitude of life lessons one can learn from it. These were not directly apparent, but readers can easily pick up on them from the anecdotes that described Margie’s life. For instance, there was a beautiful description of how Margie wanted the author’s son to own his unique identity since he was a mixed-race child. She explained to him that he was ahead of our time because he represented the colour we will all be one day when all of the world’s races eventually mixed. Margie was also courageous enough to end her second relationship because it was not beneficial to her alcoholism recovery. Furthermore, her caring nature expanded to animals. She cared for dogs, birds, and even a wild hen that wandered into their premises.

The author included several photos in the book. I appreciated looking at these because I was able to link faces with the names that were mentioned. It was nice to see what Margie looked like since she was the main character in the book. Additionally, some pictures brought a smile to my face because they were so endearing. One example was the photo captioned, ‘Visiting Grandma’s Together’ which depicted a group of happy kids. There was even a photo of the chair which Margie used to assign timeouts when she babysat children. The author also shared pictures from his childhood, such as when they went fishing with their father. These pictures gave fascinating insights into the author’s life and his memories.

This memoir had an excellent layout. The anecdotes were properly titled and sorted into chapters. The text-to-image ratio was fitting for the book as it made it interesting and easy to read. I believe the book was professionally edited since I only came across a few minor errors like typos and missing quotation marks.

In conclusion, I am awarding 2nd Line West 4 out of 4 stars for its inspirational account of Margie, a remarkable woman that graced the Earth with her presence. This memoir will appeal to readers who enjoy reading true stories about motivational people. Those who have lost a motherly figure in their lives may also find solace in reading this memoir.

Kristy Khem


I have had the privilege of meeting Tom . I felt a sense of humbleness when I introduced myself to him . We got to talking and found out he was an author . After him sharing with me his story I asked if he had his book with him and I wanted to see it and then bought it . Within a few hours I was captivated and haven’t been able to put the book down . There are so many similarities that I felt as I began to read his book . I look forward to seeing how the story ends ….
thank you for walking into my work and taking the time to share your story



One of the most inspirational books I have ever read!

Patricia B


When I came across this book 2nd Line West I didn’t know if it would be my kind of thing, but as soon as I starting reading it I got hooked.The writer has a welcoming style as if he’s talking to me directly. His mother seems to have been quite a strong and loving woman who left such a big impression on friends and family.



I write this in honour of Margie Herstad. Margie had a gift of seeing the butterfly in a caterpillar.



I read it and loved it. This book touched my heart.

Anne Zdunic


This Book 2nd Line West is such an Empowering book, I really encourage everyone to read this book. It will touch your life in some way or another. It is a very Humbling true life story. What an amazing woman Margie was; she makes me want to strive harder and be greater in this life. This book touched my heart, and filled me with such Joy, it had me laughing and crying, and wanting to know more about Margie. Thank you Tom for writing such an extraordinary book.



This charming, heartwarming book brings us back nostalgically to a simpler, gentler time. A time where people and families listened to each other. When they shared, solved and absolved the inevitable ups and downs that life brings. Through it all we come to know a remarkable soul whose wisdom predates her time. The value in this story is not the trip down memory lane for a simpler day and time but the juxtaposition of the now generation who communicate not in words and feelings but through texts, emojis and enhanced selfies. This is the generation that needs to hear the message that we are more than our technical devices. That we need to get back to a place where we can learn and relearn to 2nd Line West…….authentically.

Maureen K


Hey Tom, loved the book, so glad it’s been picked up for the big screen. Good talking to you that Sunday morning in the Beaches. Have made sure to mention 2nd Line West to friends and family and those I know will enjoy such a heartwarming read. God bless Margie! Good luck with the movie – keep me posted.



Great read on the real meaning of life. It takes us back to what’s important and missing in today’s world. Stories that should inspire how we all have it in us to help do a little more for others. A very giving life.

Daniel T


I met this author at a book signing at Chapters. After reading 2nd Line West I returned to the store to buy more copies for those in my life who came to mind while I read this book. I am an avid reader and I recommend this book to all!!!

Peggy G


Please read 2nd Line West as it will make a difference in how you feel. A great “pick me up”. I LOVED it! Thanks to the author and write on for us who love to read, the food of life.



Tom, the reading of 2nd Line West many memories back to me, how it felt to have Margie in our lives. The house on Tannery was a home that was so welcoming. Margie made you feel like you belonged there, at any time. From Day 1, my boys and I were always made to feel like family. Reading these pages made me feel that strong love, loyalty and compassion, that was Margie. I am also happy you shared Warren’s story, he will never be forgotten and we were so lucky to make wonderful memories with him in this life. Keep up the awesome work you are doing. You too, have always made a difference.

Kim Scanlan


Inspiring in a time of hate and disorder when no one is taught to care for their fellow man. 2nd Line West is a lift of spirit to all. Needed when you are hurting and lonely and need to remember you are not alone so smile and give another a lift in life.



After reading 2nd Line West I offer my own tribute to Margie, I start it with this. I sent an Angel to watch over you and she came back laughing. When I asked why she was laughing she said “You don’t need to have an Angel watch over another Angel!” That is exactly how I always saw Margie as being. There are too many countless times she was “THERE” for me whether over the phone or in person, She always made me feel loved and safe. She would fight and protect the under dog even at the risk of what others would say about this. She nursed the spirit, the body and the Soul with never asking for anything in return. When my own world turned upside down, she righted it enough for me to be able to limp along. We spent hours and hours together always talking about whatever we felt was important and sometimes about absolutely nothing. We went on retreats together where we shared our beliefs and wonder in all that is creation. She loved openly, stubbornly and uncomplicated. We shared sorrows and joys. Her Family was her pride and she had an extended family of an assortment of people that she took under her wings. She gave whatever she could often at her own peril and rejoiced when it did good for the recipient. To this day I have never met anyone who believed in a God as innocently as she did. That belief I was lucky enough to share with Margie and I knew if anyone had a little place waiting in Heaven it had to be her. Till we meet again my Friend, my Sister and God’s own Angel!



This book is so inspirational. I enjoyed reading and was touched by your writing. It was an amazing story about Margie. She spread love, care and share. On several pages I got emotional as this book reminded me of my Mother. I love the poem you wrote to your Mom.
Thank you for writing this book. Love from Indonesia,



Margie was someone special, someone unbelievable. And she had her own problems in life. She was a miracle. I really liked the book about her life, her teachings, her “Love, Care and Share”. I feel like I have know her now as she spread her energy through this book to her son and onto me. Such a selflessness is unbelievable especially now a days when everyone cares for himself/herself only. I wish more people could be like her — I want to more like her, share her love and care.

Gabor H


I received 2nd Line West through a Goodreads Giveaway and believe it was a “God-incidence”.



2nd Line West is an inspirational read about a remarkable woman, mother and mentor, a joy to read! Thank you Tom for sharing your beautiful stories and insights and the gift of your book!



I wanted to let you know I just finished the book. I have to share with you my experience of reading your book while it’s still fresh.

First off, I have to tell that I have carried your book with me everywhere I went since you gave it to me. I would read it whenever I could, even if it was half a page while I waited in line at the store. I have not felt this way about a book in a very long time. My purse quickly became its home, as it followed me everywhere I went.

I could feel the essence of your mom throughout every letter in the page. I wanted to continue feeling her, to continue getting to know her, to continue feeling inspired by her. I felt a certain comfort and warmth as I read each page. I began to feel like I couldn’t wait to ‘meet with her again’ every evening in anticipation of reading her story.

Despite not knowing Margie, I feel I felt her through your words. She sounds, and feels like an incredible woman, whose presence profoundly impacted everyone she encountered by just being herself.

I wanted to thank you from the center of my heart for speaking with me at the end of my mom’s driveway and giving me a copy of your book that day.  I have experienced many shifts within as a result of reading 2nd Line West. I have been able to find the courage to let go of some heaviness I have been carrying around for a very long time. I feel as if I’m starting a brand new chapter of my life with fresh eyes, and a lighter heart after finishing the book.

Thank you so much again Tom! I have no doubt meeting you at the my mom’s that day was a God-incidence your mom also helped facilitate.



Margie made kindness her lifestyle. Beautiful, generous and strong. Her life is a lesson for all of us. I thank you for sharing her story.

Anna Zappa


“Hi Tom, We met at Chapters on Saturday Aug 12th. You had approached me I then bought a signed copy of your new book, 2nd Line West. I want to Thank You for that. I read your book yesterday. I Loved it. It’s inspiring. I will be giving another copy to my 91 year old mother. My better half wants to read my copy. Once again Thanks.”

George Dykstra, Energy Management Consultant


This is a nicely composed memoir with an enduring message of unconditional love. It takes great courage to love well and this book, 2nd Line West, shows us the way. Highly recommended for all.



Hey Tom. It’s the ZenShed lady from the National Home Show! Your book 2nd Line West has been at my colleague’s house for months but I finally got it back a few weeks ago. I was moved to seek it out after my father died. It’s such a cut to lose a parent and the pain of it made me remember you and your story. I enjoyed the book very much with all its messages and offers of joy and meaning. Thank you for writing it and for putting so much energy into getting its message out. Hope to see you next year!

Jane Forrington



A memoir written by a son of his late mother…this book is a cut above in quality of writing and storytelling to what commonly might be written as a memoir of an extraordinary parent. For me it is always interesting to be taken into the real world experiences of other people…to hear their voices and to see their insights through their eyes.

Tom Herstad grew up in Canada, played ice hockey, and developed a love for fishing and the outdoors. I grew up in Southern California, surfed, and am a city-kid at heart. While Tom knows the ins-and-outs of the outdoors in North America…I know the ins-and-outs of the beaches for surfing up and down the California coast. So in this sense the book was an interesting read.

But the book is about his mother…and it does a very good job of painting the portrait of a very giving and caring person…having an open and inviting house where the neighbourhood kids could gather and feel accepted and welcome…but also having a worldview that had the moral structure of reaching out to help others according to the title of the book…2nd Line West…which is a good rule to live by for anyone.

I enjoyed this book and would recommend it highly.

Bart Jahn


“Your writing is enlightening and beautiful. I especially enjoyed the rays of sunshine you captured in the fun family memories, among the poignant stories you have shared so openly in 2nd Line West. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”

Yvonne Finn, Your Relationship Whisperer


I started reading 2nd Line West just after 7 pm and it’s now 9:20 pm. I was deeply drawn into it and it was like being with Margie again, only through your eyes and words. For these past few hours she “Lived” again. Thank you for that.



It was an emotional rollercoaster, I didn’t expect to cry so much – and yet I did. It’s a beautiful book, a heartfelt declaration of love and gratitude from a son to his mother – an extraordinary woman who changed so many lives with her caring and selflessness, even though she had her losses and her problems too. Margie was definitely a great woman.



2nd Line West is the portrait of a family, with all the qualities and flaws and the good and the bad that come with it and it’s also inspirational: I felt that love myself and when I look at my parents – especially my mom – I understand what they’ve done for me and what they still do. I’m lucky.

Debra Smith


The raw emotion expressed comes through vividly, about a Son’s Love for his Mother bringing her life into meaningful events and wanting her to be remembered as someone many of us Loved. I have often said to others that we go through life never really seeing others and ourselves but for our outer shells/bodies, instead of seeing the real entity that we are; which is the Soul. Margie saw the Soul and therefore was able to love as she did.

Chris Price


I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading about your Mom in 2nd Line West. It was amazing and the stories just made me sorry I didn’t know her myself. She must have had the biggest, kindest heart. Her willingness to give her time and her home and anything else which was needed made her very special indeed. You must miss her terribly. Your writing was lovely and by the end, I felt as though I knew all of you in a way I hadn’t before. Thank you for sharing it with me, my friend.

Sherry T


This book 2nd Line West book is an amazing story about an amazing woman and family. Must read! And I wish I could be half the woman she was.



I want to say one thing now that I have read 2nd Line West. I too, love Margie!!



As I’m writing this to you I am blubbering. I don’t know if you remember me. I’m Wendy, who used to work at Justinos, who you were kind enough to give me your book and sign it. You and Jules were two people that from the instant on meeting you, had a profound impact on me. Both of you with your kindness and warmth has never left me. Well I’m writing to tell you that today July 1st 2017 the 150th anniversary of Confederation, everybody sing together!!!! I made the decision to read your book, 2nd Line West. Front to back. I know it took me a long time to get to it, considering you gave it to me last fall, but I really believe I picked it up to read it now for a reason.

Tom, I don’t know where to begin. What a beautiful loving heartfelt and healing gift you have given the world !!!!! There are sooo many relatable pieces to my life and yours, that I was almost convulsing with emotion. I wish I had had the opportunity to talk to you about your book. You, Tom, ARE your mother’s Angel, gifted to everyone you touch. With how I’ve been feeling this past year, you actually, and your mother, have helped me to feel a little bit loved. I thank you from my heart. With HUGE HUGS, And HUGE LOVE,



Thank you Tom – what a book! What a story! What a mother! Came in – home late last night – started reading 2nd Line West and am reading this morning with my cup of tea. What a gift, and so many connecting points in your story with my life, beliefs, and such enrichment and beauty…  and the love is everywhere… in the truth… in the caring… in the sharing… Talk about authenticity… I am heading back for more enrichment and yet another cup of tea. What a beautiful morning you have provided for me.  I will pass along to my husband Paul today. You certainly are sharing! This is the sweet spot of life as far as I am concerned. Looking so forward to all of our coming together in conversation and community… Thank-you – I feel very lucky to be reading your story. Warmly and with gratitude,

Anne Peace


How I wish I’d had the pleasure of meeting your mother in my lifetime. The overwhelming 2nd Line West is how I live my life. The similarities of the anecdotes you share about your life and your mother’s and my own are insanely similar. A few examples apart from the obvious, my home is where all my children’s friends come to feel peace, sleep or eat and get advice with absolutely no judgment. Whatever I can give, I will try. My grandmother lost her leg to gangrene when my children were young, and my connection and my mother and hers to me, were overwhelmingly similar to your mom’s and yours. My daughter was visited by white butterflies, as I was, shortly after my grandmother’s death various times, and we felt her and heard her in my mother’s home after her passing.

We also dance in our home and live by your mother’s creed almost daily. I agree with everything she believed in and only hope to continue my own path in her footsteps. With this book, I no longer feel alone. I always felt like I was being soft or “too good” as people often tell me, I do the things I do because we are all out here by God for a purpose. And mine is much like your mother’s as my grandmother’s before me and my mother’s, too.

I cried through the whole reading of this book and felt such joy and calm. Thank you above all, Tom, we were meant to have that conversation on my porch that day. Your mother led you to me because it was the right thing for me. Even never having met her, she made her presence known to me; she’s truly an angel and still touching lives even after she is gone from this earth. I will continue to be true to myself and live by your mother’s philosophy. Her story solidifies my values and my heart. Thank you most of all for ‘sharing’ her with the world. What a lovely gift you have given me, to us all.

Laura Paletta


This homage from a son to his mother is very touching, revealing and yet up-lifting. It reminded me of Frank McCourt’s Angela’s Ashes and in a more poignant way Elisabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love. It’s a quick read and you’ll feel inspired to look at your life and appreciate it and help others around you, too.

Tanya F


Thank you for letting me in on such a personal journey. My mother, too, became a widow at 38, when my father passed away at 42. I felt the pain your family went through, and you, especially, because we were the same age. I have learned many things from this book in order to heal – be better, do better, love more. Your family is an inspiration, your mother epitomizes the true meaning of empathy and compassion. This book is one of those gems, reminding us we are never alone.

Teresa Rodreguis


“Tears are words that need to be written” Thank you Tom, for bringing this book to life!

Paulo Coehlo


Tom Herstad’s book 2nd Line West is one of the more authentic writings I’ve encountered, filled with real-life stories of family struggles and victories, while highlighting the role of a mother who’s compassion and integrity was the true core of the family. I had a hard time putting it down, and you will too. An uplifting and encouraging read!

Tamra Nashman Richardt, CEO


My partner handed me 2nd Line West and said, “reminds me of your mother”. I couldn’t put it down. Thank you for writing about your mother and reminding me that we need to talk about the wonderful women in our lives (past and present). They give so much to the world that should be acknowledged.

R Brousseau


My story and journey began 20 years ago when my husband died suddenly, followed by the death of my seventeen year old son when he collapsed at his hockey game.  Then came my father in law’s death; all three generations gone in a short five month period.  Even our family dog was taken the day after my son’s funeral.  How ever could I go on?  As you Tom share the story of butterflies in your book, I too have a strong connection to this beautiful creature.  Just as the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.  The same is true for our loved ones who leave us far too soon. Your stories of “Love, Care and Share” come from unknown sources long after our loved ones have passed.  Things, little things and big things, always seem to find a way of falling into place.  I believe this love, caring and sharing comes from above.  We won’t know for certain what goes on up there until we’re there ourselves.  What you Tom call God incidences, I too believe that so many of our challenges here on earth find resolve, initiated by our loved ones and God in Heaven.  I too published a book after all my losses.  When I needed an editor, one appeared.  When I wondered how ever could I ever handle the challenge of publishing, I was introduced to someone who guided the way.   As a skating coach, how could I ever step foot on the ice where my son died?  Again, I received the support I so needed.  As I lived the long journey of caregiving my parents prior to their deaths.  Through it all, we survive because life is for the living.  Thank you for sharing your story Tom.  Blessings to you and your family for all that is good.

Enid Stronach


This book 2nd Line West came home with me from the National Home Show. Just goes to show things you need will find you in the strangest spots. I suspect this delightful book will touch many, many lives in positive ways at just the right moment. If you are hesitating to read this book, stop and listen to the voice telling you it has something to say to you, it probably does.

Sherry LB Johnson


We imagine that there is a predictable path in life, yet there is no such thing. The author takes us through a devastating moment in time and we watch a family cope through loss. Many of the stories are poignant and are delivered with heartfelt passion. The author is most effective as he narrates his own story.



There are Angles among us!

This book 2nd Line West truly inspires the spirit. I believe there are angels that have been put on this earth to help the rest of us… Margie Herstad was one of those chosen souls. This is a wonderful tribute to her selfless and generous life and the people she helped and inspired. A great read for those who are soul-searching.

Anthony F 


The world needs more books like this one!

Tom Herstad’s 2nd Line West is packed full of real life stories about his mother Margie, which will truly stir your heart and bring you to new levels of awareness. Every page teaches us how to love others, and ultimately will bring more love into your own life. For only through “Love, Care and Sharing” will we be able to eliminate war, famine and environmental destruction.

Amazon Customer


Bought this book for my wife and she said “5 Stars, loved it!”

Goodreads Reader


I would recommend this book to all ages! Five Stars!

Amazon Customer


This book had many different layers. From start to finish I felt very engaged , this book brought me many different emotions from laughing to crying , I would highly recommend this book to all ages . While reading 2nd Line WestI felt I gained an understanding of who the authors Mom truly was. I felt the connection the author had with his mother and you could tell she was an inspirational women. The read is a very insightful, inspirational and up lifting book. It gives hope and meaning to life’s everyday trials and tribulations. It reminds us to love, respect and listen to everyone, as we all have something to offer. Well written and truly engaging. Great job!



Thank you for passing your book to me through the Tim Horton’s Drive-Thru window. I agree 99.9% with what you have written in your book. A very nice tribute to you mother. May we all be flowers in the garden to attract the butterflies of this world. God’s light does shine bright even when we are not looking. Shine on and God bless. In Christ,



I grew up with this family… an amazing account through the tragic loss of his father and loving strength of his mother… Inspirational…

Tom Bowman


 Beautifully Inspirational

A beautifully written story about a well lived life of a strong woman. Inspiring message. Thanks for sharing her story with the world.

Amazon Customer


Your book brought back memories of your Mom and the hours we spent together. For these hours I was reading this book she lived again. It was written with lots of heart. Thank you so much.

Darlene J Morris


Bought 2nd Line West for my wife; her and my daughter rescue dogs and loved the stories…well done.

Randy Pilon


When you’re in a bookclub, your reading time is not your own. But I have at last finished 2nd Line West. Your mother was a remarkable presence. I envy you. No, I wouldn’t have traded my mother for anyone. But I knew her only as that, my/our mother – not as someone’s sweetheart, someone’s friend, sister, aunt, co-worker, as you have uncovered in this journey of yours. I was describing parts of the book to Paul which led to asking ourselves what clear advice did we get from our mothers? I could only come up with one: “Don’t get too familiar with the neighbours or they will be dropping by for tea at all hours and you’ll never get anything done.”  I don’t remember this being a live threat growing up, so it must have originated with my Scottish grandmother. As an adult, I can admit to the downside on this one, but as a child, I thought: That makes sense. Just as my daughter did when I told her: “We can’t have a cat; it’ll lick the butter.”  Thanks for presenting the opportunity to think about mothers and their messages.

Diane McDermott


This book can change your life! This book had a profound effect on me. So powerfully written, I found myself on a roller coaster of emotion. I could not put it down.

Thomas S


Thank you so much for sharing your life with us, Tom. I have a couple copies of 2nd Line West that are targeted for some important people in my life.

Neil Pipher


2nd Line West is about loving, caring and sharing! It is a lovingly written tribute/memoir by a son who learned to 2nd Line West by the impossible to miss life principles of his mother. For even though Margie Herstad, who inspired this story , did not always have the easiest life she did not allow those troublesome experiences to alter who she was at heart. She remained caring, always seeking and finding the good in everyone. She was an authentic encourager who believed in second chances for all! Acknowledging often that we are all works in progress. The writing is enlightening, inspiring and beautiful. I especially enjoyed the rays of sunshine that captures and portrays the fun family memories. The recurring butterfly them is awesome and one that so effectively demonstrates one of Margie’s “God-incidences”. Thank you for a truly heart – connection read and so openly sharing this poignant story!

Yvonne Finn, Your Relationship Whisperer


A book to read and reflect on over and over again!

Thomas DH


An incredible emotional journey. 2nd Line West is captivating story telling with a deep love & respect for life. The author shares with us the stories of an amazing woman, Margie Herstad, as well as revealing his personal vulnerabilities & spiritual growth. I loved it & will recommend it to everyone I know.

Annie Bort


 I cried and felt like I knew your Mom personally when reading this book! She has touched my life through your writing.



Tom, Thank you so much for this book, I couldn’t put it down, I laughed, I cried and felt like I knew your Mom personally when reading this book. You brought back so many memories of my childhood and memories of my past good and bad that I reflected on. Dragonflies are my creatures that remind me of people that have passed and since living in the city I never saw dragon flies but in the last two weeks I’ve seen six! Thank you! I can’t wait for the next book.



Love this book!! Hard to put down!! Full of wisdom and a reminder that we’re put on this earth to LOVE each other! Thank you Tom for sharing such intimate stories about your family and your own personal growth process! What a legacy Margie left! The book is truly inspirational!! A MUST read and of course, share!!!

Mary Hill


Tom Herstad’s loving memoir of his Mom, Margie is heartfelt and genuine. By the time you turn the last page, you will intimately know Margie, her heart and the Strength which sustains her. Her Manifesto, towards the end of the book is marvellous, deeply profound and transforming. We all need a “Margie” in our lives. Now, thanks to this book we can all embrace her!

Mindy Chernoff CEO – The Resonant Horse


2nd Line West is an Excellent Read! – from start to finish. Could not put it down.

Amazon Customer


Two thumbs up for 2nd Line West by Tom Herstad. A must read, it’s about family and secret touch of unconditional LOVE, and WISDOM by a guardian angel. Very touching and inspirational.
Loved it.

Maha Mcharafie


Tom, I received your book 2nd Line West a few days ago and just finished reading it cover to cover. It has touched me deeply on so many levels. Thank you for writing it. It comes at a challenging time in my journey and I am most grateful to you & your Mom. I felt her energy throughout this read. What a beautiful soul who lives on wonderfully touching lives. The movie will profoundly change lives. I write this with tears streaming down my face – thank you for the love, care and sharing. Will talk soon!! The book is outstanding – I could not put it down!

Joan Jefferson

Thank you for letting me in on such a personal journey. My mother, too, became a widow at 38, when my father passed away at 42. I felt the pain your family went through, and you, especially, because we were about the same age. I have learned many things from this book in order to heal – be better, do better, love more. Your family is an inspiration, your mother epitomizes the true meaning of empathy and compassion. This book is one of those gems, reminding us we are never alone.

Teresa Brownell

“Tears are words that need to be written.” Thank you, Tom, for bringing this book to life.

Paulo Coehlo

Not just a lovely and loving testament to the woman who was your mother, and a love of so many others who crossed her path, but this is a beautiful collection of stories that, over and over, soften and open my heart, move me deeply, to hear of how one woman kept prioritizing holding people in love, again and again … and of some of the profound ripples it created in the lives of others – yours, Tom & so many others. It left me soft-hearted and hopeful, with each story, that I chose to read in one or 2 story bites at a time & to savour the whole collection over more than a month now. Thanks for choosing to share, for so many reasons!

Shelley HN

Finished your book Tom. Actually read it cover to cover in one sitting. Once I started I couldn’t put it down. Well written and a wonderful tribute to your mom. I had the great pleasure of meeting and speaking with her a couple of times when Rick and I came home from Buffalo. I cannot recall what was said but I do remember being struck by how kind she was to both Rick and I. I am sure she is very proud of you and Julie.

Laurie S

Wow! What a lady. Just imagine if every family had one. Thank you so much for sharing this.

Robert Sloan


I began reading 2nd Line West right after I met you at your book signing and lecture you had given about it at Rochester Institute of Technology. It was tremendously inspirational and wonderfully executed!  Your mom “Margie” was a true angel here on earth.  That we could all live our lives so self-less as she did and make such an impact on others because of it.  When you think about it – isn’t that what we’re really supposed to be doing here on the planet?  She was a life-changer for so many people.  I love what she said about both people and animals – they needed “fixing” and she sure was the gal to do it.  How wonderful that you had such a role model and loving force/spirit to guide you in your life.  You were truly blessed and fortunate (but I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that). I also felt a connection with “Margie” as she reminded me sometimes of my mother in a lot of ways.  She, too, was always kind, loving and caring for others and putting herself last.  I remember always having to go down and take goodies that my mom had baked to an elderly widow that lived down the street from us and we always had to shovel her driveway in the winter when I would have rather been off playing with my friends after school.  I guess I didn’t realize or understand until later years how important it was that we did that and what a difference it made in this person’s life – if only to provide some companionship and to let her know that some people really cared about her.

Nancy D


Tom Herstad’s 2nd Line West is a love letter to all mothers who have treated their family, friends and all those in need with compassion and understanding.  Reading about Tom’s mom Margie’s life is akin to reading and vicariously experiencing a spiritual master’s life —though a single, widowed mother of four children, she opened her home to the less fortunate so that troubled teens, homeless people and a drug-addicted biker could experience what it’s like to have a home and a family.  In our troubled times, we need to acknowledge and pay tribute to the Margie Herstad’s of the world — which is what Tom Herstad does so beautifully in his meticulously crafted novel.

Tom Schlesinger, motion picture writer-producer


The book 2nd Line West is a story of a family and more specifically a mother’s journey. This story reminds us of something we are born with; something that most everyone has forgotten along the way. As we are reminded we remember how to enjoy closer relationships, love easier and better, experience a more fulfilling life.



It was such a pleasure to read your book 2nd Line West about your mother, Margie. I have so many things to say. And not sure where to start. Firstly, it’s a prologue and dedication that should definitely be read. And, I wish that I had read it with a highlighter. It is remarkable how much she was able to love and care while struggling with her own demons. Sometimes though, the best help comes from those who know the struggle. I’ve always thought you don’t know the influence you have on others. Even with simply a smile. We should give them genuinely and often. I taught my kids ‘Its nice to be nice’. And I have nice adults kids now. As I said when we met, I think I love your mother. I love her message. Tom, I hope you don’t mind but I may email more than once. Probably after I read it a 2nd time. With a highlighter.

Sincerely and with love in my heart for your own caring and sharing,



 “This charming, heartwarming book brings us back nostalgically to a simpler, gentler time. A time where people and families listened to each other. When they shared, solved and absolved the inevitable ups and downs that life brings. Through it all we come to know a remarkable soul whose wisdom predates her time. The value in this story is not the trip down memory lane for a simpler day and time but the juxtaposition of the now generation who communicate not in words and feelings but through texts, emojis and enhanced selfies. This is the generation that needs to hear the message that we are more than our technical devices. That we need to get back to a place where we can learn and relearn to love, care and share.…….authentically.”

Maureen S


I just finished reading 2nd Line West in its entirety. I was only planning on reading part of it but I could not leave my chair. I cannot express the emotion I feel right now, maybe that will come later. My heart is overflowing and encased with gold… is about all I can say right now. I found so many similarities during this read, most of which I knew nothing about but is clear to me now. So many answers have come, and most likely, more will present themselves in the days ahead. Synchronicity, feeling the energy, “Celestine Prophecy” which I live by. 2nd Line West is such a profound legacy. That’s just a tiny tad of why your story was so overwhelming.



I just finished reading 2nd Line West.  It only took me two days as it was very interesting and easy to get into it.

Your mother was very inspiring and seemed like a very loving and nurturing woman.  Just by knowing how she took extra care of Henrietta the Hen and went out of her way to help her, goes to show you how caring your mother really was.  Those who have known her are very fortunate and I will pass your book on to my daughter.

Kelly J


I read every single word of this book 2nd Line West. I could not put it down. It is obvious to me that your mother is working through you. I also believe she has guided me to this book. I truly understand your mom’s gift and messages. Her understanding of God, our life journey. Her willingness to share her light and her gifts with those who crossed her path and how her actions changed people for the better. The authors ability to communicate the goodness of God through the energy and messages that flowed through his mom story is incredible. These messages are both “bricks” and “butterflies” hitting hard and gently simultaneously. His writing so beautifully shared his mother’s spirit!

Paula Williams


Reading 2nd Line West was enlightening. I actually feel “lighter” after reading this remarkable story of a wonderful human being, “MARGIE”. A mother of the universe. I felt like I was part of the Herstad family already. Meeting you thru this book is a “Godincidence”. The story will be an Oscar winning movie.



I started reading 2nd Line West at midnight and finished it at 2:20am. Could not put it down! What a vulnerable and open account of a real, loving family. Beautiful. The world is ready, desperate really, for feeling a connection to God in ways that free us, connect us and teach us to love. The timing of your book is impeccable.



What a selfless novel. The fact that Margie graced the Earth with her presence makes one want to emulate her life style.



We imagine that there is a predictable path in life, yet there is no such thing. The author takes us through a devastating moment in time and we watch a family cope through loss. Many of the stories are poignant and are delivered with heartfelt passion. The author is most effective as he narrates his own story.

Amazon Customer


A book is a tool that can be used as a pointer for the reader to look within, but not every book does this. Tom’s book, 2nd Line West does this and can be used to enhance one’s life.

Michael Cupo – Author “It’s Monday is only in your mind”


I wanted to reach out to you. I started reading your book last night and just finished. My heart is full, your Mom had much love and many gifts to share. Thanks for opening your heart! How wonderful for a Son to honour his Mom with such love and devotion. Very Inspirational!
Thank you!

Donna Arch – Leal


To the Author,
I have now re-read 2nd Line West for the 2nd time and enjoyed it even more than my first read! I have now passed it on to my sister. Your gift of this books keeps giving and inspiring.

Gloria Obeck


I just wanted you to know that I finished reading 2nd Line West on the weekend. I found your book to be so heart warming and inspirational. Your book is a true testament to your mother’s legacy that she has left you . Your mother would have been so proud. I smiled, laughed and cried reading your book. You have truly shown your love, caring and sharing.

Thank you , all the best wishes.

Ines Lombardi


Great read on the real meaning of life. I takes us back to what’s important and missing in today’s world. Stories that should inspire how we all have it in us to help do a little more for others. A very giving life.

Amazon Customer


What I liked about this book is the way it felt in my heart, hands, and mind as it walked me through time inside a family. Through each of their ups and downs filled with deep love and deep pain as Margie used what she knew within her to guide and grow her family both immediate and chosen. A mother to all. Yes, and her transformation journey, as well as Tom’s, is a beautiful commitment between two siblings to share their mother’s powerful effect on many hearts through writing 2nd Line West. It opened my heart and filled many places with a new love. – We all can 2nd Line West and we should. It is time to share more stories like this with the world so we can see a stellar example of peace on earth and goodwill towards all men and women through always doing the next right thing. This story keeps it simple. Margie’s Principles and mystical connection to God and Spirit by following her heart, and shine brightly throughout each chapter “singing” to us her method. Using her three golden principles. 2nd Line West: “A Message for Us All” – is a book that I highly recommend. It will open your heart and take you on a transformation journey of your own. I love Margie and find myself talking to her often. Thank you spirit for connecting me to the Herstad’s. ~ Love & Namaste,

Kellie J. Wright, Self Love Transformation Guide, Host Conscious Speaks Radio Alternative Talk 1150 AM KKNW, Transformational Speaker, Author, Blogger


2nd Line West is a shining example of true selflessness. How many times have I thought about how I wish I could invite someone in need to come and live in my home or thought about being a foster parent?  Although I help many people, I have never done anything so committed as Margie Herstad. Her example, her selfless generosity to others, should light the way for us all.  I loved this simple story of kindness and belief in the potential of each individual.

Susan Blew


Tom Herstad has done a lovely job of sharing with us the amazing story of his mother, Margie, and his family in 2nd Line West. I highly recommend this book for any individual or family wishing deeper and more loving connections with each other.

Paul Saltzman, Emmy award winning Movie and Television Director/Producer


I really really liked the 2nd Line West. I thought it was amazing and it made me wish I knew more people like Margie in real life. She sounds like the kind of person anyone would be lucky to have met. It was very emotional to see how she impacted all these people from various walks of her life, it’s truly amazing to see people can be so, so, kind especially in today’s world. It’s definitely inspired me to live by those values and be more mindful of my actions and words, I feel lucky to have read your story so thank you for sharing it with the world!

Ayesha Ferdaous

I love reading your book 2nd Line West. I  was disappointed when I had to put it down. It is such an honour to grow-in with you and your family. I now have a Margie in my life. Thank you for sharing her with the world.



Tom was recruited to play hockey at Rochester Institute of Technology by my husband, Brian Mason. When I heard he wrote the book 2nd Line West I asked him if he would come to my Book Club. We had just moved to Florida. Tom flew down on Valentine’s Day & hosted my Book Club in my new home. Imagine…I know an author & he’s signing our books!!! I was thrilled that he thought so much of his College Coach to take the time to fly all the way from Toronto, Canada to Venice , Florida & sit in my home and read to my friends in this new book club. Impressive?   Well, he is just like his Mum, he cares & he shares…his time and energy to those who need him. I am very grateful & humbled by my husband’s hockey player/author and man he grew up to BE!!  I just love Tom Herstad & I loved reading his story♥️
Cathy Mason


We met at the Moonshine Cafe in Oakville.  I was able to get a chance to read 2nd Line West. Great read! Your mother sounded like an explanatory woman.

Andre Bisson


I got the book 2nd Line West for my mother-in-law and she loved it. She said it is one of the most inspiring books she has ever read and she is a REAL reader.



Friends….I wanted to share with you all a wonderful read!! The author, Tom Herstad is one of our Group Members who wrote 2nd Line West, this warm, endearing…. full of the most honest and humbling experiences that we can all relate to. I have smiled, teared and laughed…. I hope you will support him in his vision to enlighten our souls!!

Connie Santana


2nd Line West is such a tender, tender beautiful revealing book, Tom!

Bob Roth – Author, Chief Executive Officer – David Lynch Foundation


This book 2nd Line West is an Amazing read!

Chander and Aarti


A book can be a bright light offering those who read it an opportunity to see their life in a new way. This experience offers a new perspective so a new reality.

Goodreads Friend


Mary Margaret was a phenomenal woman and I am glad that she is immortalized in this way.



It was a pleasure to meet you at the book signing. I read 2nd Line West in two sessions.  I found it an easy read and after picking it up I couldn’t put it down.  I think what stood out the most was the way you conveyed your Mother’s Spirit.  I think that is why the book has been chosen for a movie.  I totally agree that we are Spirits having a human existence.  She stood out in her thinking, that way would be my opinion.  She had an inner light that was timeless and radiated and she touched many/everyone that she came in contact with in a deep way. This world is broken and there is a need to love one another and to bring to the screen how the Spirit – which we all have – can bring peace by loving one another (and ourselves) rather than trampling one another, I would agree with you that the book is a “Message For Us All” and you DO convey it in a way that it IS for everyone!

I will pass it on to others and I have already shared it with my sister, who fosters her own inner Spirit. She looks forward to reading it.  Thank you for writing “May this help light your path” on the inside of my book.  There is much need to help others and what good work you are doing with getting it out there.

Cecilia Mallon


2nd Line West is without a doubt one the most inspirational books I have ever read.

Tracy, Beaches Book Club member 


I read 2nd Line West and it touched my heart. After my read I contacted the author to come and meet with our book club for an interview. He did and the story about how this book was started, published and now being made into a motion picture was riveting. I recommend this book to all.

Cathy M


I read this book on a flight to see my sister in Alberta. 2nd Line West reminded me of how books can help us look within as we experience another’s story. WELL DONE Tom!

Jake “The Gardner”


Tom’s writing about his mother Margie’s life is unforgettable; you gotta get this book 2nd Line West! His sister, Julie Herstad, has been involved in writing the screenplay for the MOVIE… WOO HOOO!!!!!   To be produced in Toronto!  DREAMS DO COME TRUE: WORK YOURS! TOM DID.

Bonnie Kogos, Author and Newspaper Columnist, The Sudbury Star


I read 2nd Line West in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down. This book came to me at the right time!

Brenda Grady – Temple


This author has written a beautiful memoire of a life well lived. Clearly his mother Margie was a light in the life of many, despite an ever changing landscape of life and family challenges. Tom’s tribute to his mother is personal and yet it has many lessons and messages to pass on to those of us who didn’t know her. I know all will take away a memorable saying or story from this book and use it in their own lives.Siobhan Duffy


I send my best wishes for the book’s future.  I really think it is a timely read for all and I hope people are in the right place so that it resonates with them.  There will be many this message can help but as I think, there is a lot of noise drowning out the human spirit. Perhaps 2nd Line West being made into a movie will reach a greater number of people.



First of all, I’d like to thank the author for giving me a free copy of his book 2nd Line West in exchange for an honest review, as follows:
It was an emotional rollercoaster, I didn’t expect to cry so much – and yet I did. It’s a beautiful book, a heartfelt declaration of love and gratitude from a son to his mother – an extraordinary woman who changed so many lives with her caring and selflessness, even though she had her losses and her problems too. Margie was definitely a great woman. It’s the portrait of a family, with all the qualities and flaws and the good and the bad that come with it and it’s also inspirational: I felt that love myself and when I look at my parents – especially my mom – I understand what they’ve done for me and what they still do. I’m lucky.

This book is a wonderful lesson in loving and caring, a book everyone should read to remember or learn to really connect with those around us.



Hello Tom, I just finished reading 2nd Line West. I have to say I was touched beyond words. I cried through parts of it. At times myself wishing I could have met your mother or that she could give me some advice. It took me awhile to read it, but I chose only the most serene times to read it, as it needed a special time to be read.



Hello to the Author of 2nd Line West. I am on vacation in Grenada and just finished your book. Your mother was a remarkable woman. Thank you for the Great Read!

Tracy Wells


2nd Line West by Tom Herstad is one of the most inspirational and life-changing books I’ve ever read.  The story of “Margie” who happens to be Tom’s mother should be handbook for everyone in this day and age as too how we should all live our lives and make a difference in others.  We are at a time where there is so much negativity in this country and thru social media where a book (which should really be made into a movie) like this could really turn things around.  I truly believe that Margie is an angel put on this earth by God to set an example for others and to do his great work with her being the vehicle.  This book is beautifully written and the insights that Tom adds thru the story telling adds so much to it.  I can’t recommend this book enough as a read for “everyone”.  The life-lessons that are taken away from it can only make you want to be a better person and strive to be like Margie.  You just wish you could have met her and have her touch your life.  The book is clearly an amazing tribute to an extraordinary soul who had a beautiful gift that she shared with so many.  Her story really needs to be told over and over again.

Nancy Drum


2nd Line West is a lovingly written tribute/memoir by a son who learned
to 2nd Line West by the impossible to miss life principles of his mother.
For even though Margie Herstad, who inspired this story , did not always have the easiest life she did not allow those troublesome experiences to alter who she was at heart. She remained caring, always seeking and finding the good in everyone. She was an authentic encourager who believed in second chances for all! Acknowledging often that we are all works in progress. The writing is enlightening, inspiring and beautiful. I especially enjoyed the rays of sunshine that captures and portrays the fun family memories. The recurring butterfly theme is awesome and one that so effectively demonstrates one of Margie’s “Godincidences”
Thank you for a truly heart – connection read and so openly sharing this poignant story!

Yvonne F


I site this quote to reference my experience reading 2nd Line West:
“A book, too, can be a star, a living fire to light the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe.” Madeleine L’Engle
That is what this book does!

T. F.


After reading 2nd Line West for Book Club, I had the pleasure of meeting the author, Tom Herstad.  I was deeply moved by this book. Tom’s love of family is unique and inspiring .

Bonnie P


I am now at 1000 people I have shared your book with on social media as well as word of mouth. I can’t say it enough just how powerful your book is.

Wendy L


5 Stars – An Amazing Read! Could not put it down. Read it in one sitting.

Amazon Customer


2nd Line West was such a delight to read and refreshing to hear about a woman who truly lived by example.  This inspirational story is heartwarming, emotional and meaningful.  Our lives are touched by so many, and Margie knew how to make each moment count.  I never met or knew Margie, but feel that I should pay it forward.  Life is truly a journey that we have choices on how to interact with others, after reading about her story I now think, “What would Margie say or do?”. Thanks to Tom and his family for sharing her story in this book.

Bernadette M


I began reading 2nd Line West this morning and finished it just under 2 hours with tears streaming down my face, my heart full of beautiful emotions. May we all be even a little like Mary Margaret; what a gift she was to so many during her earthly time and what a gift the author has given to his readers as Margie will live on in the spirit of everyone who reads this book. Thank you Tom for sharing your incredible Mother’s stories; it was such an honour and a pleasure to meet you at your book signing.



I read 2nd Line West on my way to Rochester with my family. Sitting in the back seat for our 6 hour drive I was captivated. I did not want to cry in front of my daughters but could not contain myself. This book touched my soul!

John Hawkins


After reading this memoir, I felt as if I had made a new friend. Margie truly was a beautiful soul. I enjoyed reading about how she helped others in her life, especially when she offered others a place to stay at her home. Her kindness also expanded to animals. I liked that she helped Teddy with her puppies, allowed the blue jays to nest in the mailbox, and provided the hen with fertilized eggs so she could hatch a brood. There were many lessons to learn from the way Margie lived her life. For instance, I really admired the way she wanted Reigan to own his identity. She explained to him that he was ahead of our time because he represented the colour we will all be one day. I was surprised when I learned that Reigan was part Trinidadian because I was born in Trinidad, and I still live here. Margie’s ability to sense the energy of people was intriguing. I was astounded that she could feel the negative energy of Auntie Ann’s ex-husband. Moreover, her ability to help others die peacefully was very touching. I think she was extremely gifted. The book ended with a series of Margie’s messages and sayings. This was a lovely conclusion. It was incredibly moving when the author saw the two white butterflies which represented his parents, and later he received a photo of a butterfly from Chris, Margie’s psychic friend. I also admired how the author learned to help others just like his mom. Somehow, she seemed to be helping others through him, like when he received the call about the death of Warren. This indirectly helped Gavin, her grandson, to stay focused on his recovery and to stay committed to turning his life around.

Online-bookclub member


I could not put this book down. Read it cover to cover!

Karen T


4 out of 4 stars!

2nd Line West – “A Message for All of Us” is a written tribute to Mary Margaret (also known as Margie), a phenomenal woman who lived a life of service to others. Her generosity, kindness, and love shine through all of the pages in this book. This heartwarming memoir is penned by Tom Herstad, Margie’s son. It consists of detailed anecdotes of her life, including stories of the people whom she helped, and those whose lives she touched in some way. Margie’s legacy lives on through this book. Like her, it will continue to teach, inspire, and encourage others.

I enjoy reading memoirs because they present fascinating insights into another soul’s experience here on Earth. I always feel like I have met someone new after I finish reading them. When I completed this memoir, I felt as if I had made a new friend. Margie truly was a beautiful soul. When I read about how she offered others a place to stay during difficult times in their life, or looked after their kids, or helped others to die peacefully when their time came, I felt a deep sense of awe and admiration. Her ability to sense the energy of others around her was extraordinary. I think the author perfectly captured Margie’s motherly personality together with her beliefs, and her unique way of life.

One of the most distinctive features of this book was the multitude of life lessons one can learn from it. These were not directly apparent, but readers can easily pick up on them from the anecdotes that described Margie’s life. For instance, there was a beautiful description of how Margie wanted the author’s son to own his unique identity since he was a mixed-race child. She explained to him that he was ahead of our time because he represented the color we will all be one day when all of the world’s races eventually mixed. Margie was also courageous enough to end her second relationship because it was not beneficial to her alcoholism recovery. Furthermore, her caring nature expanded to animals. She cared for dogs, birds, and even a wild hen that wandered into their premises.

The author included several photos in the book. I appreciated looking at these because I was able to link faces with the names that were mentioned. It was nice to see what Margie looked like since she was the main character in the book. Additionally, some pictures brought a smile to my face because they were so endearing. One example was the photo captioned, ‘Visiting Grandma’s Together’ which depicted a group of happy kids. There was even a photo of the chair which Margie used to assign timeouts when she babysat children. The author also shared pictures from his childhood, such as when they went fishing with their father. These pictures gave fascinating insights into the author’s life and his memories.

This memoir had an excellent layout. The anecdotes were properly titled and sorted into chapters. The text-to-image ratio was fitting for the book as it made it interesting and easy to read. I believe the book was professionally edited since I only came across a few minor errors like typos and missing quotation marks.

In conclusion, I am awarding 2nd Line West 4 out of 4 stars for its inspirational account of Margie, a remarkable woman that graced the Earth with her presence. This memoir will appeal to readers who enjoy reading true stories about motivational people. Those who have lost a motherly figure in their lives may also find solace in reading this memoir.

Kristy Khem


I have had the privilege of meeting Tom . I felt a sense of humbleness when I introduced myself to him . We got to talking and found out he was an author . After him sharing with me his story I asked if he had his book with him and I wanted to see it and then bought it . Within a few hours I was captivated and haven’t been able to put the book down . There are so many similarities that I felt as I began to read his book . I look forward to seeing how the story ends ….
thank you for walking into my work and taking the time to share your storyMichelle


2nd Line West is one of the most inspirational books I have ever read!

Patricia B


When I came across this book 2nd Line West I didn’t know if it would be my kind of thing, but as soon as I starting reading it I got hooked.The writer has a welcoming style as if he’s talking to me directly. His mother seems to have been quite a strong and loving woman who left such a big impression on friends and family.



I write this in honour of Margie Herstad. Margie had a gift of seeing the butterfly in a caterpillar.



I read it and loved it. This book touched my heart.

Anne Zdunic


This 2nd Line West is such an Empowering book, I really encourage everyone to read this book. It will touch your life in some way or another. It is a very Humbling true life story. What an amazing woman Margie was; she makes  me want to strive harder and be greater in this life. This book touched my heart, and filled me with such Joy, it had me laughing and crying, and wanting to know more about Margie. Thank you Tom for writing such an extraordinary book.



This charming, heartwarming book brings us back nostalgically to a simpler, gentler time. A time where people and families listened to each other. When they shared, solved and absolved the inevitable ups and downs that life brings. Through it all we come to know a remarkable soul whose wisdom predates her time. The value in this story is not the trip down memory lane for a simpler day and time but the juxtaposition of the now generation who communicate not in words and feelings but through texts, emojis and enhanced selfies. This is the generation that needs to hear the message that we are more than our technical devices. That we need to get back to a place where we can learn and relearn to 2nd Line West…….authentically.

Maureen K


Hey Tom, loved the book, so glad it’s been picked up for the big screen. Good talking to you that Sunday morning in the Beaches. Have made sure to mention 2nd Line West to friends and family and those I know will enjoy such a heartwarming read. God bless Margie! Good luck with the movie – keep me posted. Cheers!



Great read on the real meaning of life. It takes us back to what’s important and missing in today’s world. Stories that should inspire how we all have it in us to help do a little more for others. A very giving life.

Daniel T


I met this author at a book signing at Chapters. After reading 2nd Line West I returned to the store to buy more copies for those in my life who came to mind while I read this book. I am an avid reader and I recommend this book to all!!!

Peggy G


Please read 2nd Line West as it will make a difference in how you feel. A great “pick me up”. I LOVED it! Thanks to the author and write on for us who love to read, the food of life.

Sandra Beck


Tom, the reading of 2nd Line West brought many memories back to me, how it felt to have Margie in our lives. The house on Tannery was a home that was so welcoming. Margie made you feel like you belonged there, at any time. From Day 1, my boys and I were always made to feel like family. Reading these pages made me feel that strong love, loyalty and compassion, that was Margie. I am also happy you shared Warren’s story, he will never be forgotten and we were so lucky to make wonderful memories with him in this life. Keep up the awesome work you are doing. You too, have always made a difference.

Kim Scanlan


Inspiring in a time of hate and disorder when no one is taught to care for their fellow man. 2nd Line West is a lift of spirit to all. Needed when you are hurting and lonely and need to remember you are not alone so smile and give another a lift in life.



After reading 2nd Line West I offer my own tribute to Margie, I start it with this. I sent an Angel to watch over you and she came back laughing. When I asked why she was laughing she said “You don’t need to have an Angel watch over another Angel!” That is exactly how I always saw Margie as being. There are too many countless times she was “THERE” for me whether over the phone or in person, She always made me feel loved and safe. She would fight and protect the under dog even at the risk of what others would say about this. She nursed the spirit, the body and the Soul with never asking for anything in return. When my own world turned upside down, she righted it enough for me to be able to limp along. We spent hours and hours together always talking about whatever we felt was important and sometimes about absolutely nothing. We went on retreats together where we shared our beliefs and wonder in all that is creation. She loved openly, stubbornly and uncomplicated. We shared sorrows and joys. Her Family was her pride and she had an extended family of an assortment of people that she took under her wings. She gave whatever she could often at her own peril and rejoiced when it did good for the recipient. To this day I have never met anyone who believed in a God as innocently as she did. That belief I was lucky enough to share with Margie and I knew if anyone had a little place waiting in Heaven it had to be her. Till we meet again my Friend, my Sister and God’s own Angel!



This book is so inspirational. I enjoyed reading and was touched by your writing. It was an amazing story about Margie. She spread love, care and share. On several pages I got emotional as this book reminded me of my Mother. I love the poem you wrote to your Mom.
Thank you for writing this book. Love from Indonesia,

Fitri – Indonesia


Margie was someone special, someone unbelievable. And she had her own problems in life. She was a miracle. I really liked the book about her life, her teachings, her love, care and share. I feel like I have know her now as she spread her energy through this book to her son and onto me. Such a selflessness is unbelievable especially now a days when everyone cares for himself/herself only. I wish more people could be like her — I want to more like her, share her love and care.

Gabor H


I received 2nd Line West through a Goodreads Giveaway and believe it was a “God-incidence”.



2nd Line West is an inspirational read about a remarkable woman, mother and mentor, a joy to read! Thank you Tom for sharing your beautiful stories and insights and the gift of your book!



I wanted to let you know I just finished the book. I have to share with you my experience of reading your book while it’s still fresh.

First off, I have to tell that I have carried your book with me everywhere I went since you gave it to me. I would read it whenever I could, even if it was half a page while I waited in line at the store. I have not felt this way about a book in a very long time. My purse quickly became its home, as it followed me everywhere I went.

I could feel the essence of your mom throughout every letter in the page. I wanted to continue feeling her, to continue getting to know her, to continue feeling inspired by her. I felt a certain comfort and warmth as I read each page. I began to feel like I couldn’t wait to ‘meet with her again’ every evening in anticipation of reading her story.

Despite not knowing Margie, I feel I felt her through your words. She sounds, and feels like an incredible woman, whose presence profoundly impacted everyone she encountered by just being herself.

I wanted to thank you from the center of my heart for speaking with me at the end of my mom’s driveway and giving me a copy of your book that day.  I have experienced many shifts within as a result of reading 2nd Line West. I have been able to find the courage to let go of some heaviness I have been carrying around for a very long time. I feel as if I’m starting a brand new chapter of my life with fresh eyes, and a lighter heart after finishing the book.

Thank you so much again Tom! I have no doubt meeting you at the my mom’s that day was a God-incidence your mom also helped facilitate.



Margie made kindness her lifestyle. Beautiful, generous and strong. Her life is a lesson for all of us. I thank you for sharing her story.

Anna Zappa


“Hi Tom, We met at Chapters on Saturday Aug 12th. You had approached me I then bought a signed copy of your new book, 2nd Line West. I want to Thank You for that. I read your book yesterday. I Loved it. It’s inspiring. I will be giving another copy to my 91 year old mother. My better half wants to read my copy. Once again Thanks.”

George Dykstra, Energy Management Consultant


This is a nicely composed memoir with an enduring message of unconditional love. It takes great courage to love well and this book, 2nd Line West, shows us the way. Highly recommended for all.



Hey Tom. It’s the ZenShed lady from the National Home Show! Your book 2nd Line West has been at my colleague’s house for months but I finally got it back a few weeks ago. I was moved to seek it out after my father died. It’s such a cut to lose a parent and the pain of it made me remember you and your story. I enjoyed the book very much with all its messages and offers of joy and meaning. Thank you for writing it and for putting so much energy into getting its message out. Hope to see you next year!

Jane Forrington



A memoir written by a son of his late mother…this book is a cut above in quality of writing and storytelling to what commonly might be written as a memoir of an extraordinary parent. For me it is always interesting to be taken into the real world experiences of other people…to hear their voices and to see their insights through their eyes.

Tom Herstad grew up in Canada, played ice hockey, and developed a love for fishing and the outdoors. I grew up in Southern California, surfed, and am a city-kid at heart. While Tom knows the ins-and-outs of the outdoors in North America…I know the ins-and-outs of the beaches for surfing up and down the California coast. So in this sense the book was an interesting read.

But the book is about his mother…and it does a very good job of painting the portrait of a very giving and caring person…having an open and inviting house where the neighbourhood kids could gather and feel accepted and welcome…but also having a worldview that had the moral structure of reaching out to help others according to the title of the book…2nd Line West…which is a good rule to live by for anyone.

I enjoyed this book and would recommend it highly.

Bart Jahn


“Your writing is enlightening and beautiful. I especially enjoyed the rays of sunshine you captured in the fun family memories, among the poignant stories you have shared so openly in 2nd Line West. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”  




I started reading 2nd Line West just after 7 pm and it’s now 9:20 pm. I was deeply drawn into it and it was like being with Margie again, only through your eyes and words. For these past few hours she “Lived” again. Thank you for that.



It was an emotional rollercoaster, I didn’t expect to cry so much – and yet I did.
It’s a beautiful book, a heartfelt declaration of love and gratitude from a son to his mother – an extraordinary woman who changed so many lives with her caring and selflessness, even though she had her losses and her problems too. Margie was definitely a great woman.



2nd Line West is the portrait of a family, with all the qualities and flaws and the good and the bad that come with it and it’s also inspirational: I felt that love myself and when I look at my parents – especially my mom – I understand what they’ve done for me and what they still do. I’m lucky.

Debra Smith


The raw emotion expressed comes through vividly, about a son’s love for his Mother bringing her life into meaningful events and wanting her to be remembered as someone many of us Loved. I have often said to others that we go through life never really seeing others and ourselves but for our outer shells/bodies, instead of seeing the real entity that we are; which is the Soul. Margie saw the Soul and therefore was able to love as she did.

Chris Price


“I sat with my father during his last days on earth, and just picking up your book, 2nd Line West and reading your inspiring, uplifting writing, helped me with the journey we both had to go through.”

Austin Freedman, Psychotherapist, Life Coach


I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading about your Mom in 2nd Line West. It was amazing and the stories just made me sorry I didn’t know her myself. She must have had the biggest, kindest heart. Her willingness to give her time and her home and anything else which was needed made her very special indeed. You must miss her terribly. Your writing was lovely and by the end, I felt as though I knew all of you in a way I hadn’t before. Thank you for sharing it with me, my friend.

Sherry T


This book 2nd Line West is an amazing story about an amazing woman and family. Must read! And I wish I could be half the woman she was.



I want to say one thing now that I have read 2nd Line West. I too, love Margie!!



As I’m writing this to you I am blubbering. I don’t know if you remember me. I’m Wendy, who used to work at Justinos, who you were kind enough to give me your book and sign it. You and Jules were two people that from the instant on meeting you, had a profound impact on me. Both of you with your kindness and warmth has never left me. Well I’m writing to tell you that today July 1st 2017 the 150th anniversary of Confederation, everybody sing together!!!!

I made the decision to read your book, 2nd Line West book today. Front to back. I know it took me a long time to get to it, considering you gave it to me last fall, but I really believe I picked it up to read it now for a reason.

Tom, I don’t know where to begin. What a beautiful loving heartfelt and healing gift you have given the world !!!!!

There are sooo many relatable pieces to my life and yours, that I was almost convulsing with emotion.

I wish I had had the opportunity to talk to you about your book.

You, Tom, ARE your mother’s Angel, gifted to everyone you touch. With how I’ve been feeling this past year, you actually, and your mother, have helped me to feel a little bit loved. I thank you from my heart. With HUGE HUGS, And HUGE LOVE,

Wendy xoxo


Thank-you Tom – what a book! What a story! What a mother! Came in – home late last night – started reading 2nd Line West am reading this morning with my cup of tea. What a gift, and so many connecting points in your story with my life, beliefs, and such enrichment and beauty…  and the love is everywhere… in the truth… in the caring… in the sharing… Talk about authenticity… I am heading back for more enrichment and yet another cup of tea. What a beautiful morning you have provided for me.  I will pass along to my husband Paul today. You certainly are sharing! This is the sweet spot of life as far as I am concerned. Looking so forward to all of our coming together in conversation and community… Thank-you – I feel very lucky to be reading your story. Warmly and with gratitude,Anne Peace


How I wish I’d had the pleasure of meeting your mother in my lifetime. The overwhelming love, care and share is how I live my life. The similarities of the anecdotes you share about your life and your mother’s and my own are insanely similar. A few examples apart from the obvious, my home is where all my children’s friends come to feel peace, sleep or eat and get advice with absolutely no judgment. Whatever I can give, I will try. My grandmother lost her leg to gangrene when my children were young, and my connection and my mother and hers to me, were overwhelmingly similar to your mom’s and yours. My daughter was visited by white butterflies, as I was, shortly after my grandmother’s death various times, and we felt her and heard her in my mother’s home after her passing.

We also dance in our home and live by your mother’s creed almost daily. I agree with everything she believed in and only hope to continue my own path in her footsteps. With this book, I no longer feel alone. I always felt like I was being soft or “too good” as people often tell me, I do the things I do because we are all out here by God for a purpose. And mine is much like your mother’s as my grandmother’s before me and my mother’s, too.

I cried through the whole reading of this book and felt such joy and calm. Thank you above all, Tom, we were meant to have that conversation on my porch that day. Your mother led you to me because it was the right thing for me. Even never having met her, she made her presence known to me; she’s truly an angel and still touching lives even after she is gone from this earth. I will continue to be true to myself and live by your mother’s philosophy. Her story solidifies my values and my heart. Thank you most of all for ‘sharing’ her with the world. What a lovely gift you have given me, to us all.

Laura Paletta


Not just a lovely and loving testament to a woman who was your mother, and a love of so many others who crossed her path. This is a beautiful collection of stories that over and over soften and opened my heart, moving me deeply. To hear of how one woman kept prioritizing holding people in love, again and agian….and of some of the profound ripples it created in the lives of others – yours, Tom & so many others. It left me soft-hearted and hopeful with each story that I choose to read in one or 2 story bites at a time to saviour the whole collection over more than a month. Thanks for choosing to share 2nd Line West for oh, so many reasons.

Shelley Hannah


Finished this book in one sitting, cover to cover. Once I started I could not put it down. Well written and a wonderful tribute to your mom. I am sure she is very proud of you.

Laurie Shead


Wow! What a lady. Just imagine if every family had one. Thank you so much to the author for sharing this book.

Rob Sloan


This homage from a son to his mother is very touching, revealing and yet up-lifting. It reminded me of Frank McCourt’s Angela’s Ashes and in a more poignant way Elisabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love. It’s a quick read and you’ll feel inspired to look at your life and appreciate it and help others around you, too.

Gloria Silk


Thank you for letting me in on such a personal journey. My mother, too, became a widow at 38, when my father passed away at 42. I felt the pain your family went through, and you, especially, because we were the same age. I have learned many things from this book in order to heal – be better, do better, love more. Your family is an inspiration, your mother epitomizes the true meaning of empathy and compassion. This book is one of those gems, reminding us we are never alone. Paulo Coehlo said “Tears are words that need to be written” Thank you Tom, for bringing this book to life!

Teresa Rodreguis


Tom Herstad’s book 2nd Line West is one of the more authentic writings I’ve encountered, filled with real-life stories of family struggles and victories, while highlighting the role of a mother who’s compassion and integrity was the true core of the family. I had a hard time putting it down, and you will too. An uplifting and encouraging read!

Tamra Nashman Richardt, CEO


My partner handed me 2nd Line West and said, “reminds me of your mother”. I couldn’t put it down. Thank you for writing about your mother and reminding me that we need to talk about the wonderful women in our lives (past and present). They give so much to the world that should be acknowledged.

R Brousseau


My story and journey began 20 years ago when my husband died suddenly, followed by the death of my seventeen year old son when he collapsed at his hockey game.  Then came my father in law’s death; all three generations gone in a short five month period.  Even our family dog was taken the day after my son’s funeral.  How ever could I go on?  As you Tom share the story of butterflies in your book, I too have a strong connection to this beautiful creature.  Just as the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.  The same is true for our loved ones who leave us far too soon.   Your stories of 2nd Line West come from unknown sources long after our loved ones have passed.  Things, little things and big things, always seem to find a way of falling into place.  I believe this love, caring and sharing comes from above.  We won’t know for certain what goes on up there until we’re there ourselves.  What you Tom call God incidences, I too believe that so many of our challenges here on earth find resolve, initiated by our loved ones and God in Heaven.  I too published a book after all my losses.  When I needed an editor, one appeared.  When I wondered how ever could I ever handle the challenge of publishing, I was introduced to someone who guided the way.   As a skating coach, how could I ever step foot on the ice where my son died?  Again, I received the support I so needed.  As I lived the long journey of caregiving my parents prior to their deaths.  Through it all, we survive because life is for the living.  Thank you for sharing your story Tom.  Blessings to you and your family for all that is good.

Enid Stronach


This book 2nd Line West came home with me from the National Home Show. Just goes to show things you need will find you in the strangest spots. I suspect this delightful book will touch many, many lives in positive ways at just the right moment. If you are hesitating to read this book, stop and listen to the voice telling you it has something to say to you, it probably does.

Sherry LB Johnson


The author shares his mother with us in the stories of this book 2nd Line West. He continues her legacy and what she taught all of us.



All I can say is OMG!! I finally read the book here on vacation in Jamaica and am blown away. If I did not well up a half dozen times throughout reading it call me numb and dumb. Good thing I was sweating that helped hide wiping my tears. I wish I had the honour of meeting your mother. I feel reading the book she has touched my life. God bless for writing such a testimony to the wonderful woman and inspiration your mother was to so many people and what an inspiration she still is today in spirit.

Michael P


The book 2nd Line West is more than a tribute. The layers of memories and testimonials are like a tapestry. Lots of moments reminding us to look up from our phones, make eye contact and help others. Margie was and is an angel touching every soul who reads this book.



Read more 5-star Reviews to Date:

2nd Line West is a heartfelt book about a truly exceptional woman!! Margie was my aunt and she was truly an amazing, loving, giving woman. There was always room, always a place for you in her home and heart and this included her family as well. Tom is a wonderful son and loving soul. Tom writes from his heart and it is truly an inspiring book that makes you believe in people and possibilities!! I am so proud of you Tom and I am sure your Mom is too. She is watching from above and has guided you to where you are today!! Keep looking for the signs…..

Brenda M


Who doesn’t know that feeling of loss and starting to appreciate our short life here on earth? I enjoyed the upbeat and thought provoking stories in 2nd Line West about how Tom Herstad learned to make every day count. Awesome!! This beautifully written book 2nd Line West is a treasure to all who read it. Margie’s generous and loving spirit is what brings life to all the experiences shared by the author and his family. May we all strive to be as loving as Margie and may her life lessons touch our hearts to do good always. Thank you Tom, for a memorable and enlightening book!

Amazon Customer


This book is worth its weight in gold.

Thank you for sharing Margie’s life. She blessed the world with her love and empathy and showed us that kind words and small gestures are all that is needed to change a person’s life. The book 2nd Line West is full of hardship, love, kindness, and a passion for life. You will get caught up in her life from the first page and on the last page you will be working to change how you see the world and the people around you. Well worth the read!

Goodreads Reader


We imagine that there is a predictable path in life, yet there is no such thing. The author takes us through a devastating moment in time and we watch a family cope through loss. Many of the stories are poignant and are delivered with heartfelt passion. The author is most effective as he narrates his own story.



There are Angles among us!

This book 2nd Line West truly inspires the spirit. I believe there are angels that have been put on this earth to help the rest of us… Margie Herstad was one of those chosen souls. This is a wonderful tribute to her selfless and generous life and the people she helped and inspired. A great read for those who are soul-searching.

Tony P


The world needs more books like this one!

Tom Herstad’s 2nd Line West is packed full of real life stories about his mother Margie, which will truly stir your heart and bring you to new levels of awareness. Every page teaches us how to love others, and ultimately will bring more love into your own life. For only through “Love, Care and Sharing” will we be able to eliminate war, famine and environmental destruction.

 Goodreads Reader


This book had many different layers. From start to finish I felt very engaged , this book brought me many different emotions from laughing to crying , I would highly recommend this book to all ages . While reading 2nd Line West I felt I gained an understanding of who the authors Mom truly was. I felt the connection the author had with his mother and you could tell she was an inspirational women. 2nd Line West is a great read on the real meaning of life. It takes us back to what’s important and missing in today’s world. Stories that should inspire how we all have it in us to help do a little more for others. A very giving life. 2nd Line West is a very insightful, inspirational and up lifting book. It gives hope and meaning to life’s everyday trials and tribulations. It reminds us to love, respect and listen to everyone, as we all have something to offer. Well written and truly engaging. Great job!



Thank you for passing your book to me through the Tim Horton’s Drive-Thru window. I agree 99.9% with what you have written in your book. A very nice tribute to you mother. May we all be flowers in the garden to attract the butterflies of this world. God’s light does shine bright even when we are not looking. Shine on and God bless. In Christ,



I grew up with this family… an amazing account through the tragic loss of his father and loving strength of his mother… Inspirational…

Tom Bowman


Beautifully Inspirational!

A beautifully written story about a well lived life of a strong woman. Inspiring message. Thanks for sharing her story with the world. Your book brought back memories of your Mom and the hours we spent together. For these hours I was reading this book she lived again. It was written with lots of heart. Thank you so much.

Darlene J Morris


Bought this for my wife; her and my daughter rescue dogs and loved the stories…well done.

Randy Pilon


When you’re in a bookclub, your reading time is not your own. But I have at last finished 2nd Line West. Your mother was a remarkable presence. I envy you. No, I wouldn’t have traded my mother for anyone. But I knew her only as that, my/our mother – not as someone’s sweetheart, someone’s friend, sister, aunt, co-worker, as you have uncovered in this journey of yours. I was describing parts of the book to Paul which led to asking ourselves what clear advice did we get from our mothers? I could only come up with one: “Don’t get too familiar with the neighbours or they will be dropping by for tea at all hours and you’ll never get anything done.”  I don’t remember this being a live threat growing up, so it must have originated with my Scottish grandmother. As an adult, I can admit to the downside on this one, but as a child, I thought: That makes sense. Just as my daughter did when I told her: “We can’t have a cat; it’ll lick the butter.”  Thanks for presenting the opportunity to think about mothers and their messages.

Diane McDermott


This book can change your life!

 This book had a profound effect on me. So powerfully written, I found myself on a roller coaster of emotion. I could not put it down.

Thomas S


Thank you so much for sharing your life with us, Tom. I have a couple copies of 2nd Line West that are targeted for some important people in my life.

Neil Pipher


2nd Line West is about just that! It is a lovingly written tribute/memoir by a son who learned to 2nd Line West by the impossible to miss life principles of his mother. For even though Margie Herstad, who inspired this story , did not always have the easiest life she did not allow those troublesome experiences to alter who she was at heart. She remained caring, always seeking and finding the good in everyone. She was an authentic encourager who believed in second chances for all! Acknowledging often that we are all works in progress. The writing is enlightening, inspiring and beautiful. I especially enjoyed the rays of sunshine that captures and portrays the fun family memories. The recurring butterfly them is awesome and one that so effectively demonstrates one of Margie’s “God-incidences”. Thank you for a truly heart – connection read and so openly sharing this poignant story!

Yvonne Finn, Your Relationship Whisperer


A book to read and reflect on over and over again!

Thomas H


An incredible emotional journey. 2nd Line West is captivating story telling with a deep love & respect for life. The author shares with us the stories of an amazing woman, Margie Herstad, as well as revealing his personal vulnerabilities & spiritual growth. I loved it & will recommend it to everyone I know.

Annie Bort


I cried and felt like I knew your Mom personally when reading this book! She has touched my life through your writing.



Tom, Thank you so much for this book, I couldn’t put it down, I laughed, I cried and felt like I knew your Mom personally when reading this book. You brought back so many memories of my childhood and memories of my past good and bad that I reflected on. Dragonflies are my creatures that remind me of people that have passed and since living in the city I never saw dragon flies but in the last two weeks I’ve seen six! Thank you! I can’t wait for the next book.



Love this book!! Hard to put down!! Full of wisdom and a reminder that we’re put on this earth to LOVE each other! Thank you Tom for sharing such intimate stories about your family and your own personal growth process! What a legacy Margie left! The book is truly inspirational!! A MUST read and of course, share!!!

Mary Hill


Tom Herstad’s loving memoir of his Mom, Margie is heartfelt and genuine. By the time you turn the last page, you will intimately know Margie, her heart and the Strength which sustains her. Her Manifesto, towards the end of the book is marvellous, deeply profound and transforming. We all need a “Margie” in our lives. Now, thanks to this book we can all embrace her!

Mindy Chernoff CEO – The Resonant Horse


Excellent Read! – from start to finish. Could not put it down! Two thumbs up for 2nd Line West by Tom Herstad. A must read, it’s about family and secret touch of unconditional LOVE, and WISDOM by a guardian angel. Very touching and inspirational. Loved it.

Maha Mcharafie


Tom, I received your book 2nd Line West a few days ago and just finished reading it cover to cover. It has touched me deeply on so many levels. Thank you for writing it. It comes at a challenging time in my journey and I am most grateful to you & your Mom. I felt her energy throughout this read. What a beautiful soul who lives on wonderfully touching lives. The movie will profoundly change lives. I write this with tears streaming down my face – thank you for this book. The book is outstanding – I could not put it down!

Joan Jefferson


Thank you for letting me in on such a personal journey. My mother, too, became a widow at 38, when my father passed away at 42. I felt the pain your family went through, and you, especially, because we were about the same age. I have learned many things from this book in order to heal – be better, do better, love more. Your family is an inspiration, your mother epitomizes the true meaning of empathy and compassion. This book is one of those gems, reminding us we are never alone. “Tears are words that need to be written.” Thank you, Tom, for bringing this book to life.

Paulo Coehlo


Not just a lovely and loving testament to the woman who was your mother, and a love of so many others who crossed her path, but this is a beautiful collection of stories that, over and over, soften and open my heart, move me deeply, to hear of how one woman kept prioritizing holding people in love, again and again … and of some of the profound ripples it created in the lives of others – yours, Tom & so many others. It left me soft-hearted and hopeful, with each story, that I chose to read in one or 2 story bites at a time & to savour the whole collection over more than a month now. Thanks for choosing to share, for so many reasons!

Shelley Hannah


Finished your book Tom. Actually read it cover to cover in one sitting. Once I started I couldn’t put it down. Well written and a wonderful tribute to your mom. I had the great pleasure of meeting and speaking with her a couple of times when Rick and I came home from Buffalo. I cannot recall what was said but I do remember being struck by how kind she was to both Rick and I.
I am sure she is very proud of you and Julie.

Laurie Shead

Wow! What a lady. Just imagine if every family had one. Thank you so much for sharing this.

Robert Sloan

5.0 out of 5 stars

When I came across this book I didn’t know if it would be my kind of thing, but as soon as I starting reading it I got hooked. I found it very touching. The writer has a welcoming style as if he’s talking to me directly.His mother seems to have been quite a strong and loving woman who left such a big impression on friends and family.
Who doesn’t know that feeling of loss and starting to appreciate our short life here on earth? I enjoyed the upbeat and thought provoking stories about how Tom Herstad learned to make every day count.

Goodreads Reader


5.0 out of 5 stars

Tom shares with us his Mom’s story of 2nd Line West… He continues in her legacy and what she taught all of us!!!Brenda MacGillivray

2nd Line West is a heart felt book about about a truly exceptional woman!! Margie was my aunt and she was truly an amazing loving giving woman. There was always room, always a place for you in her home and heart and this included her family as well. Tom is a wonderful son and loving soul. Tom writes from the his heart and it is truly an inspiring book that makes you believe in people and possibilities!! I am so proud of you Tom and I am sure your Mom is too. She is watching from above and has guided you to where you are today!! Keep looking for the signs…..

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars
The world needs more books like this one ! Tom Herstad’s 2nd Line West is packed full of real life stories about his mother Margie, which will truly stir your heart and bring you to new levels of awareness. Every page teaches us how to love others, and ultimately will bring more love in your own life. For only through “Love, Care and Share” will we be able to eliminate war, famine and environmental destruction.

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars

This beautifully written book is a treasure to all who read it. Margie’s generous and loving spirit is what brings life to all the experiences shared by the author and his family. May we all strive to be as loving as Margie and may her life lessons touch our hearts to do good always. Thank you Tom, for a memorable and enlightening book!!

Amazon Customer

4.0 out of 5 stars
We imagine that there is a predictable path in life …

We imagine that there is a predictable path in life, yet there is no such thing. The author takes us through a devastating moment in time and we watch a family cope through loss. Many of the stories are poignant and are delivered with heartfelt passion. The author is most effective as he narrates his own story.

Tony Fallico

5.0 out of 5 stars
Angels amongst us

This book truly inspires the spirit. I believe there are angels that have been put on this earth to help the rest of us… Margie Herstad was one of those chosen souls. This is a wonderful tribute to her selfless and generous life and the people she helped and inspired. A great read for those who are soul searching.

Tony Amazon

4.0 out of 5 stars
Life’s meanings

Great read on the real meaning of life. I takes us back to what’s important and missing in today’s world. Stories that should inspire how we all have it in us to help do a little more for others. A very giving life.

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars
Beautiful and inspirational

A beautifully written story about a well lived life of a strong woman. Inspiring message. Thanks for sharing her story with the world.

Bonnie Johnson

5.0 out of 5 stars
Excellent Read!

Read from start to finish. Couldn’t put it down.

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars

Margie must have been Magical. Tom Herstad has written a beautiful memoire of a life well lived. Clearly his mother Margie was a light in the life of many, despite an ever changing landscape of life and family challenges. Tom’s tribute to his mother is personal and yet it has many lessons and messages to pass on to those of us who didn’t know her. I know all will take away a memorable saying or story from this book and use it in our own lives.

Goodreads Reader



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